A vegetable garden is considered organic if the fertilization and protection of crops is done in a natural way. First of all, the seeds must come from organic farming, as well as the remedies for diseases, fungi and parasites must be 100% natural and free of chemical residues. The cultivation of an organic garden obviously has several benefits for health and the environment around us.
First of all, you need to place the vegetable garden where there is a lot of sun, good drainage of the soil, while avoiding windy areas or areas of water stagnation. It is also essential to plow the space well, so as to make the earth soft, eliminating stones, weeds and clods. In the following seasons it will be useful to arrange the garden with different varieties of crops compared to the previous year, which will be rotated in order to increase the fertility and yield of the soil.
Another prerogative for obtaining an organic garden is the elimination of chemical fertilizers in favor of natural remedies such as manure, compost, green fertilization, which consists in leaving the freshly cut grass on the ground to decompose. An alternative nutrition to home methods that is just as natural but which offers greater results in terms of yield and taste already in the early stages of growth, is Symbioethical ReGrow, a biostimulant for plants and gardens with mycorrhizae and live microorganisms. In the following stages of growth and throughout the plant’s natural cycle, Symbioethical Veggy A + B helps to accelerate and amplify the development of the plant’s root system, making it stronger.
To defend against pests and diseases, it is necessary to find cultivation techniques without the use of chemicals. A first solution may be to introduce natural antagonists (other insects) of the parasites into the environment, however, involving the effort to intervene manually in order to eliminate larvae and adult parasitic insects or by eradicating the weeds. Another solution, which does not exclude the total absence of parasites, is to plant some hedges or plants that create a defensive barrier against invasive insects: such as mint, which protects tomatoes from its parasites, or carrots and onions. defending each other, etc. In this regard, the Symbioethical Soft Soap and Symbioethical Propolis, with the function of enhancing the natural defenses of plants, are the most suitable solution for the elimination of invasive insects, parasites, diseases and bacteria, while maintaining the biological component of the vegetable garden. In the warmer seasons Symbioethical Neem, a water-soluble emulsion with 100% vegetable neem oil, is essential as a natural remedy against mosquitoes, aphids, lepidoptera and beetles, to be sprayed on plants also as a prevention.
Even for those who do not have the opportunity to have a vegetable garden in their home garden, because they live in small apartments in the city, they still have the opportunity to create their own DIY organic garden. There are various methods to optimize the space on the balcony, for example by taking advantage of the vertical crops that are increasingly gaining ground among gardening enthusiasts today. To create this type of cultivation, it is possible to adapt recycled material such as plastic bottles, coffee milk, wooden pallets, etc., to perfect containers that, arranged along the walls or through vertical supports, can accommodate the seeds or seedlings of vegetables. . Compared to field crops, the garden on the balcony has several advantages, although the cultivable quantities are obviously lower: for example as regards the elimination of the use of pesticides, or the control of every aspect of plant growth, or the reduction of the use of water necessary for nutrition. In order to take better care of the fruit and vegetables present in your garden grown on the balcony of your home, Symbiagro has created a complete and effective, professional-level kit of organic products, formulated specifically for the growth and healthy development of plants. and their fruits in organic farming: Symbioethical Veggy A + B, is able to fortify the development and growth of vegetables and herbaceous plants throughout the plant cycle.