Our Website’s Use of Cookies

Below, you will find all the necessary information about what cookies are and the types we use.

A cookie is a small text file that a website saves on your device (e.g., computer, tablet, smartphone) as you browse. Cookies help the website remember your actions and preferences (such as login to secure areas, language selection, or other display settings) so you don’t have to re-enter them when you return to the site or navigate between pages. Cookies are also used, for example, to track visits by new or returning visitors and to store some non-personal, anonymous information about their page navigation (entry links, exit links, page navigation, duration of stay, etc.).

By using the site and clicking on the “Accept all cookies” button, you agree to the installation of both “first-party” and “third-party” cookies on your device as listed in the “Cookies Used on This Site” table in this policy.

You can choose to accept all cookies or only certain categories of them by setting your preferences on the banner displayed at your first access, or in the “Current Status of Consents Given and Withdrawal” section of this page.

Depending on the type of cookies disabled, the navigability of the site (or parts of it) may be compromised or limited.


Cookies have been classified into 5 categories: Necessary Technical, Preferences, Statistics, Marketing, and Additional Functionality. The site may not use all the described categories, but only those listed in the “Cookies Used on This Site” table (each cookie’s classification category can be viewed).


These are essential for the proper functioning of the site’s pages and cannot be disabled. Without these cookies, site navigability would be compromised to the extent that proper use is not possible. They allow, for example, tracking of authentication performed by a user or site administrator.


These cookies store user choices to improve navigation (e.g., prefilling a form with the name used previously). This type of cookie may include personal information (e.g., the user’s name or email address). Without these cookies, some functionality and page navigation could be compromised.


These cookies are used to anonymously collect and analyze the behavior of visitors while using the site to improve its usability and user experience.


Marketing cookies are installed to display advertising content targeted at the user’s interests. These cookies work in conjunction with third-party sites (e.g., advertising for a previously visited site might be displayed on a different site through remarketing) and can track past navigation on different domain pages. These cookies typically track the user’s IP address along with other information, some of which can be personal.


This category includes all other additional functionalities integrated into the site (e.g., boxes related to social network streams, comments through external services, social sharing buttons, live chat, etc.). Disabling these elements (and the corresponding cookies) does not compromise the use of the site; simply, the disabled functionalities will not be available.

Social network tools (usually installed with code blocks inserted into the host site’s pages) may use third-party cookies installed by the social networks themselves (e.g., Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc.); the site does not share any information with such widgets.

For more information about cookies from major social networks, you can visit:


Session Cookies These are temporary files stored until you leave the site (or close the browser).

Persistent Cookies These files are stored and maintained even after leaving the site and closing the browser. They are deleted only after the expiration date specified in the cookie itself.


First-party Cookies These are files that are installed on the user’s device directly by the site being browsed.

Third-party Cookies These are files installed by external sites, through code embedded in the pages of the site being browsed.


To disable the use of all or some cookies, you need to change the settings of your browser (Firefox, Chrome, Explorer, Safari, Opera, etc.).

Browsers are usually set to accept cookies unless they are configured differently by the user.

You can set your browser to block some or all cookies, or to present a message to the user before installing a cookie.

For convenience, we provide links to cookie management for the most popular browsers:

In the following section (“Current Status of Consents Given and Withdrawal”), you can change your preferences on the types of cookies accepted, in addition to the possibility of removing all cookies installed by the site.


Your current status:

Necessary Technical: YES Preferences: NO Statistics: NO Marketing: NO Additional Functionality: NO

Change your consent

Withdraw consent



Nome Cookie,
Gruppo Cookie
Stores expressed acceptance regarding the use of cookies by the site. Category: Necessary Technical, Duration: 1 year, Part: Owner
google-fontsGoogle Fonts

Google Fonts service does not install cookies. Google may collect information related to the use of the service. Location: USA

google-mapsGoogle Maps maps embedded on the pages of this site use the domain http://maps.googleapis.com/ version to avoid installing cookies. Location: USA

Google ReCaptcha

Cookies installed by Google to maintain user settings during navigation. Information about the use of ReCaptcha buttons by users is stored in cookies, to verify whether they are humans or bots. The actual installed cookies may differ if the user is currently logged in (or not) to Google. Category: Necessary Technical, Duration: Persistent, Part: Third Party, Installed by: Google ReCaptcha, Location: USA

Maintains session uniquely tracks the navigation session code and does not contain any personal information. Category: Necessary Technical, Duration: Session, Part: Owner
wp-settings-X, wp-settings-time-X
Various WordPress platform cookies that store information necessary for user authentication and site management. Categories range from Necessary Technical to Preferences. Durations vary from session to 1 year, all Part: Owner.
Cookies that allow storing the selected navigation language of the visitor or site administrator. Category: Necessary Technical, Duration: 1 day, Part: Owner.

Site Platform

This cookie is responsible for storing the authentication status of a user. It is used when a site administrator or user logs in.

Category: Necessary Technical Duration: Session Part: Owner

Piattaforma Sito

Si tratta di un cookie di test di WordPress che verifica se il browser è abilitato al salvataggio dei cookies oppure no.

Categoria: Tecnici Necessari
Durata: Sessione
Parte: Proprietario

Piattaforma Sito

Il cookie si occupa di immagazzinare informazioni riguardo all’ultimo post salvato. Utilizzato in caso di login di un amministratore o utente del sito.

Categoria: Tecnici Necessari
Durata: 1 giorno
Parte: Proprietario

comment_author_X, comment_author_email_X, comment_author_url_X
Piattaforma Sito

Il cookie è utilizzato per immagazzinare le informazioni relative al nome, email ed url inseriti durante la scrittura di un commento, in modo da non doverli digitare ad ogni inserimento di un commento.

Categoria: Preferenze
Durata: 347 giorni
Parte: Proprietario

_icl_current_admin_language, _icl_current_language, _icl_visitor_lang_js, wpml_browser_redirect_test

Multilingua Sito

Si tratta di cookies che consentono di memorizzare la lingua di navigazione selezionata dal visitatore (o dell’amministratore del sito).

Categoria: Tecnici Necessari
Durata: 1 giorno
Parte: Proprietario